BioMedData kicked off today!
Today, 11 Life Science Research Infrastructure programs in Norway kicked off the BioMedData project to build an open and collaborative framework for the exchange of Life Science Data in Norway.
Life science research has a direct relevance for society and drives big parts of the economy, including salmon aquaculture in Norway. The Covid-19 crisis demonstrates precisely why research data from both biology and medicine has to be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) directly, while respecting the legal and privacy obligations.
In BioMedData the research infrastructures will develop procedures, to facilitate publishing of findings of Life Scientist in Norway in FAIR databases and their analysis with reusable tools and workflows. BioMedData also will educate researchers to apply these procedures and train some of them as amplifiers for FAIR research data management.
BioMedData is driven by 11 research infrastructures with nodes at Norwegian universities and university hospitals, independent R&D organizations and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Together they cover the majority of research infrastructures within Life Science in Norway, which also contribute with the expertise brought in through their respective European umbrella organisations. At the same time the project is open to new partners and welcomes new research infrastructures and individual research projects during its lifetime.
BioMedData is coordinated by ELIXIR-Norway, the Norwegian arm of the European intergovernmental organisation and ESFRI Research Infrastructure for biological data.
Inge Jonassen, professor at UiB and head of ELIXIR Norway said: “BioMedData is a unique opportunity, uniting expertise all across Life Science research. Our ambition is to use these joint forces to establish new standards on how Life Scientists in Norway manage their data. The current circumstances around Covid-19 research demonstrate once more, why data should be as FAIR as possible from the first mile.”
Facts & Figures:
Project duration: 1 June 2020 - 1 March 2024
Norwegian research Infrastructures: ELIXIR Norway, National Consortium for Sequencing and Personalized Medicine (Norseq), Norwegian Molecular Imaging Infrastructure (NORMOLIM), Norwegian Advanced Light Microscopy Imaging Network (NALMIN), Biobank Norway, NOR-Openscreen, Norwegian Macromolecular Crystallography Consortium (NORCRYST), National network for advanced proteomic-infrastructure (NAPI), Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study Infrastructure (I-MoBa), National Infrastructure for Microbial Genomics (NIMG), Norwegian Infrastructure for Biodiversity Genomics (NIBIGEN)
Infrastructure associated institutions: University of Bergen, University of Oslo, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Tromsø, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway, SINTEF, Oslo University Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, Haukeland University Hospital, University Hospital of Northern Norway, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norwegian Directorate of eHealth, Norwegian Regional Health Authorities, Cancer Registry of Norway, Norwegian Institute for Water Research AS
European ESFRI/ERIC umbrellas organisations: ELIXIR-Europe, BBMRI, EU-OPENSCREEN, Euro-BioImaging
Supporting partners: UNINETT Sigma2 AS, The Health Analysis Platform, Centre for Digital Life Norway, European ELIXIR Hub and Nodes
Resources: 14Mkr, 4 Work packages, 15 deliverables