Sep 28, 2021

Norwegian SARS-CoV-2 sequences now openly available in ENA!

We are happy to announce that the first Norwegian SARS-CoV-2 sequences now are openly available in ENA, the European Nucleotide Archive.

In collaboration with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH), ELIXIR Norway has implemented technical solutions that prepare the SARS-CoV-2 sequence data for export to ENA, including pipelines for removing human reads from viral data sets, upload data to NeLS, the Norwegian e-infrastructure for Life Sciences, attaching associated metadata to raw data and export of data to ENA and GISAID, using a standard template for both repositories.
These efforts are maintained as part of the latest uplift to the H2020 project ELIXIR-CONVERGE. Professor Nils Peder Willassen co-leads an amended work package to mobilise viral genomes from national sequencing efforts in Europe and beyond into truly open data resources, will enable surveillance of COVID-19 variants and make data on the spread of variants rapidly available for analysis.

Your may read more about our brokering service to ENA here, and learn why open databases are crucial in the fight against a pandemic here.