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Cheat sheet: Proteomics


Proteomics is the ‘large scale study of proteins’. Proteins represent the actual functional molecules that regulate the activity and function of cells. Proteomics enables researchers to analyse the nature and abundance of different proteins within biological samples (e.g. protein complexes, subcellular compartments, whole cells or tissues). Most state of the art proteomics methods are based on high-resolution mass spectrometry instruments with high mass accuracy.

Type of data/experiments/methods

Mass spectrometry data

  • mz Markup Language
  • Open format

  • various vendor formats (ABI: T2D, Agilent: MassHunter, Bruker: Compass.d, Bruker: YEP, Bruker: BAF,Bruker: FID, Bruker: TDF, Sciex: WIFF, Shimadzu: LCD, Thermo Scientific: RAW, Waters: UNIFI)
  • proprietary

Metadata Standards



Sources for Reusable Data

Proteomecentral - ProteomeXchange

Storage and Computing

Proteomics data collected in Norway can be analysed by the individual core facilities and stored in Nels, can be used to run proteomics analysis workflows.

Data Deposition Repository


Ethics and Regulations

Patient Data

  • Pre-approval for medicinal/health-related research projects from the Regional Ethics Committee is required
  • Projects handling personal data are assessed at many institutions by SIKT
  • Otherwise, data must be fully anonymized - neither directly or indirectly identifiable to an individual

Services in Norway

National network of Advanced Proteomics Infrastructure (NAPI) is the research infrastructure for proteomics in Norway.
NAPI partners include proteomics core facilities in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Tromsø and Ås, as well as research groups with a strong focus on proteomics technology development. Research data is managed at individual sites and coordinated at the research infrastructure level.

RDM Services

  • For help with management of proteomics data please contact your core facility

Scientific Services

More information
