Your data has been produced somewhere else

If your data has been produced by a sequence provider other than NorSeq, please send an inquiry to if you would like to request for storage of your scientific project.


Please include the following information in your request:

  • Title of your scientific project
  • Scientific aim and summary description
  • Name and contact info on Principal Investigator (PI responsible for funding and ownership of data)
  • Reference to NFR application, REK application, other funding application if applicableAre data in your project considered sensitive, such as human DNA sequencing data? If yes, and you have already created a TSD project, please specify TSD project code the storage capacity should be assigned to.
  • How much data you have generated already in the projec
  • How much data you estimate to generate within the next 12 months
  • For the totals on data above, please include:
    • an estimate over different types of data (NGS sequencing data, microarray data, proteomics data etc),
    • within each data type, how much raw data vs processed data there are/likely will be